After a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be waiting for the insurance company to settle your claim and to pay your medical bills. Unfortunately, your healthcare provider may want to be paid quicker or they will send your account to collections. What are your options? Here are some things you can consider to pay your bills.

Use Your Private Health Insurance 

If you have health insurance through your job, use it to keep your bills from piling up. Try to pay the co-pays as you go. Keep track of all of the money you spend. Save any EOBs from your health insurance. You may need to settle up with your insurance company after a settlement, but at least you won’t be worried about those bills.

Check with Your Auto Insurance 

It might seem like a long-shot, but you may have recourse through your own auto insurance. If you live in a no-fault state, you would use your own insurance to pay for most medical bills. You may have uninsured motorist insurance, which could pay your medical care bills if the other driver didn’t have insurance.

Make Arrangements with Your HealthCare Providers 

Some healthcare providers do offer options for accident victims to keep the bills from going to collections while you’re waiting on a settlement. You may need to pay a minimum amount each month. It’s worth trying to talk to the provider instead of worrying over your options.

Discuss Other Options with a Lawyer      

The negligent party (or their insurance) doesn’t have to cover your bills on an ongoing basis. Once you settle with the insurance company, you won’t be able to get any more. It can work to your favor to wait to settle, because you want to make sure that all of your bills are covered. However, it can be stressful while medical bills pile up and you don’t know what to do.

You may have other options, depending on laws in your state and your situation. It can be helpful to discuss it over with a catastrophic injury lawyer in Las Vegas, NV, like from The Law Office of Eglet Adams, or hospital social worker who can direct you to resources in your community. While you’re waiting for your personal injury case to settle, your lawyer may be able to negotiate with the healthcare providers, too.

Make an appointment to discuss your case with a car accident lawyer who can protect your rights and help you find the best possible outcome.